
Baaba Maal
Daande Lenol (Voice of the people)

Language: Pulaar
CD: Lam Toro, 1993


I salute you, Africa,
Children of Yeli Tare and of Daande Lenol
I salute you
Birdsong trills in the trees.  Listen.
The kingfisher calls out
He always has something to say
I hear him well:
Unity is better than division
Dialogue always leads to more understanding
Love comes from the heart; reason from the spirit
One can recognise someone from his shadow
But it is his acts which will define him
My friend who works for peace,
Wherever you are, I salute you
Those of you who know how to love not only yourselves
But also your neighbours, I salute you
May you always be strong for that is my hope,
I salute you, Africa
When I hear your name
My whole being is overcome with joy
I am no longer sleepy
Old memories come surging back
Memories of childhood
Of nights filled with the music of the kolli*
Which are becoming more and more rare today.
I salute you Africa.

*Plural of Xalam - 4 stringed African guitar.


Written by Baaba Maal. 
Lyric reprint ©1992 Island Music Ltd. 
Admin. in the U.S. and Canada by Songs of Polygram International, Inc. (BMI).
International copyright secured










Last updated: December 18, 2006